You know, you talk about your plants like we talk about our babies, yet you haven't shared their names - I hope they do have names, other than scientific that is. Unless you prefer that we call you Homo Sapien sapien.
Only locos name their plants "Cathy" cactus, "Brooke" Ficus, "Johnny" apple tree (may he rest in peace). I take my philosophy from Angela Lansbury in "Bedknobs and Broomsticks" who doesn't "believe in giving animals [and plants I'm sure] silly names." I like to think that I don't need personification to make a connection with something. It doesn't have to fit me.
I guess its like at Webb, where they had many international students. Many of them took on names like "Mary" or "Eric" because their names were too difficult for us westerners to pronounce. And sure, it might be fun having another name,like a nick name, but I definetely don't think its necessary and it may not be healthy. Besides, all my "babies" are different species, so they don't need to be distinguished with a name. Even my roommate's cat, who's name is Pounce, is just called "cat" by me. Or bunkabean. Or crazy. On the other hand, I do call my mom's dog "Annie," but I also refer to her as a wolf to give her some dignity. Cats and dogs are practically humans to their owners (probably because of the name game), but my plants are wild dangerous prehistoric things and I don't want them to be cute.
I just remembered that I did name one of my plants, a Selenocereus chrysocardium, "Meeyok" (sp?), which is Korean for seaweed, because it reminded me of seaweed and our Korean foreign exchange student happen to be in the car while I was bored enough to actually name a plant. Whew.
So I'm not naming my plants unless I'm really really bored. Or loco.
So I was at a botanical garden in LA county (the South Coast Botanic Garden). Guess what I saw lining the beginning of the trails.... Euphorbia!! Different species too however I don't remember the names... :-D
You know, you talk about your plants like we talk about our babies, yet you haven't shared their names - I hope they do have names, other than scientific that is. Unless you prefer that we call you Homo Sapien sapien.
Only locos name their plants "Cathy" cactus, "Brooke" Ficus, "Johnny" apple tree (may he rest in peace). I take my philosophy from Angela Lansbury in "Bedknobs and Broomsticks" who doesn't "believe in giving animals [and plants I'm sure] silly names." I like to think that I don't need personification to make a connection with something. It doesn't have to fit me.
I guess its like at Webb, where they had many international students. Many of them took on names like "Mary" or "Eric" because their names were too difficult for us westerners to pronounce. And sure, it might be fun having another name,like a nick name, but I definetely don't think its necessary and it may not be healthy. Besides, all my "babies" are different species, so they don't need to be distinguished with a name. Even my roommate's cat, who's name is Pounce, is just called "cat" by me. Or bunkabean. Or crazy. On the other hand, I do call my mom's dog "Annie," but I also refer to her as a wolf to give her some dignity. Cats and dogs are practically humans to their owners (probably because of the name game), but my plants are wild dangerous prehistoric things and I don't want them to be cute.
I just remembered that I did name one of my plants, a Selenocereus chrysocardium, "Meeyok" (sp?), which is Korean for seaweed, because it reminded me of seaweed and our Korean foreign exchange student happen to be in the car while I was bored enough to actually name a plant. Whew.
So I'm not naming my plants unless I'm really really bored. Or loco.
So I was at a botanical garden in LA county (the South Coast Botanic Garden). Guess what I saw lining the beginning of the trails.... Euphorbia!! Different species too however I don't remember the names... :-D
Someone is slacking.
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