A Garden Beginning

Saturday, January 27, 2007


My friend, Ryann, requested a list of the books I've mentioned on my blog so far. Here it is and here's a picture of my orchid (I'm feeling generous).

Writing Books
Writers on Writing by the New York Times and John Darnton
The Eleventh Draft by Frank Conroy (essays from the Iowa Writers' Workshop)
Shut Up! He Explained by William Noble (about writing dialogue)
A Writer's Coach by Jack Hart (Excellent! about the writing process)
Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg

Other Books
Blindness by Jose Saramago

I'm now adding The Tree by Colin Tudge. If you like plants, you'll like the book. A basic knowledge of plant taxonomy would be helpful. Warning about the preface: way too many parentheses, but hang in there, it's just the preface.

You can also check my profile for some of my favorite books. Feel free to leave a book recommendation as a comment.


At 11:00 PM, Blogger Ryann Pinnegar said...

Thank you Michael!!

At 11:00 PM, Blogger Ryann Pinnegar said...

Thank you Michael!!


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