A Garden Beginning

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Buffalo Park

Today I took a five minute drive to Buffalo Park. It's a nice place for a stoll and many of the locals come here to walk their dogs, run, and to do the exercise circuit (there are exercise stations along the trails for doing pushups, crunches, wall climbing, rope climbing ect.). I wasn't feeling too great today so I just walked and took pictures. The sunlight in Autumn is very dramatic and the grasses and oaks were lit up.

This grass is a native called blue gramma. The inflorescences curl as they dry and the fluffy seeds are let loose to the wind. You can see the dark purple, straight inflorescences that aren't mature yet. It's common in Flagstaff and could probably be found in Utah, Idaho, and Southern California (so keep a look out, family and friends).

A writing update:

I kept up with my writing goals (see previous post) and reached 6,840 words (that's twelve pages, so I more than doubled the number of pages I had a week ago.)

The writing is more like a combination of prose, notes, and stream of conciousness. So it's not exactly elegant prose, but this kind of writing is necessary at the beginning. It's helped me to develop the plot, characters, themes, and structure of the novel.

On average, I wrote 506.4 words a day (throwing out one of the days because on that day I wrote for an hour).

By my calculations:

500 words/day x 7 days/week x 10 weeks till Christmas = 35000 words. One page single space is about 540 words, so I will have about 65 poorly written, but useful, pages pertaining to my novel by Christmas Day if I contue to write for an half hour each day. Plus, the twelve I already have. Not bad, eh? It'd be a good start.


At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Michael! It is so awesome that you have a goal and a plan to execute to reach your goal! What is your ultimate goal after reaching Christmas? Will you review your notes and start writing a second draft, organizing thoughts and ideas, or will you try to use one of your writings to start your book, or will you simple continue after Christmas writing everyday and adding to the 65 pages you have? Any good blogs about writing (similar to what you are doing or helpful to your cause) that you know of and can link?

At 9:34 PM, Blogger Gardener of La Mancha said...

ya, this writing goal could actually work. I'll have to see how developed the story is by Christmas, but by that time I hope to begin organizing my notes into scenes and just start tackling one scene after another. Then I'll rewrite and rewrite and rewrite and rewrite and rewrite and rewrite and rewrite and rewrite. And maybe something decent will emerge. I haven't seen any writing blogs similar to what I'm doing, but I haven't been looking either. I've got a moment--I'll look around.


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